▒▒░ Organic i
░ ░ ░ ░
Turmeric is a hardy perennial plant native to South Asia
and prized there since ancient times as an ancient
The health benefits of turmeric are wiely
accepted as a cornerstone of Ayurvedic
It contains over 300 nutrients
such as:
- Potassium, zinc and many others
- Beta-carotene
- Vitamin C

::::::::::: Uses of turmeric powder
Liver function
It may help improve liver function and
the regeneration of damaged
liver cells
Turmeric may stimulate the production
of detoxifying enzymes in
the liver,
helping in the elimination
of toxins
It is:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Antimicrobial
- Detoxifying.
Combined with piperine from black
pepper on an empty stomach, it improves the performance
of turmeric.

Sleep pattern
Turmeric powder drink mixed
with warm milk at night can help induce
a good night's
As A Face Mask
Turmeric powder is also used by many
people in their skincare
It helps bring out the skin’s natural glow
and fades any scarring or
Turmeric not only helps in revitalizing
the natural glow and suppleness of the skin but also helps in
treating many dermatological problems like eczema and
other issues like acne
A paste of turmeric powder, yogurt and
honey can be applied on the face for
15-20 min.
Wash it off with lukewarm water
and pat dry your face.
Its active compound, curcumin, is
involved in body weight
This happens when curcumin reacts
with adipose tissue
(a type of fat predominant in the body and responsible
for energy storage)
to suppress chronic
inflammation caused by obesity

helps control blood glucose and
insulin levels
In Cooking
It can be added to dishes such as:
It can also be used as a colouring
agent when preparing stir-fries, sauces
or legumes.
Dosage / duration
- daily dose max. 8 g
- duration max. 6 months
rest at least
1 month before restarting the intake