░░▒▒░ Bromelain i
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It strengthens the
immune system.
It is a good source of many nutrients,
such as:
- Vita B2 (riboflavin),
- Vita C (ascorbic acid),
- Phytochemicals.
- Manganese
Increased Energy
Pineapple juice is also a great source
of manganese
This component plays a vital role in your body’s energy
production capability. In this way, it may lead to an
increase in energy levels
The presence of antioxidants
in pineapple juice combat oxidative
Better Digestion
Indigestion and other
issues are most commonly seen in
people with sedentary lifestyles
and who have unhealthy
eating habits
Bromelain is an enzyme that breaks
down proteins in the intestine and
aids digestion
Pineapple is known to be very effective in curing constipation
and irregular bowel movements. This is because it is
rich in fibre
Better Skin
Pollution and excess exposure to direct
sunlight often make our skin look
[ dull ]
Not following a proper skincare routine
can further dehydrate the skin, making
it appear dry and mature.
It is rich in acids such as
alpha hydroxy acids
which are commonly found in
skin treatment creams.
Together, these compounds help to
- the appearance of fine lines,
- wrinkles,
- dullness,
- dryness
to make your skin appear healthier
and youthful
Mix 5g of powder ( 1 )
with smoothies or fruit juices.
max. 5g / day
Take a 1 month break
after every 3 months of prolonged
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