Bromelain 200,000 U/G
Bromelain 200,000 U/G
Bromelain 200,000 U/G
Bromelain 200,000 U/G
Bromelain 200,000 U/G

Bromelain 200,000 U/G

Regular price $22.90



Uso sugerido

La dosis sugerida es 5g después de cada comida,

diluido en agua, licuados, batidos,


consumelo un max. = 6 meses

descansar 1 mes antes de volver a tomarlo



#1 Pineapple Juice for Immunity

Research conducted in 2014 [2] highlights pineapple’s immunity-boosting properties. It is a good source of many nutrients, such as vitamins B2 (riboflavin), C (ascorbic acid), manganese, and phytochemicals. Researchers observed the effects of pineapple consumption on children to find compelling results.


This research concluded that children who consumed canned pineapple daily were less prone to develop common viral and bacterial infections than those who did not consume it.


Moreover, this pineapple-consuming group also showed faster recovery when diagnosed with sickness.


Therefore, regular consumption of juice may boost your immunity, protect illness, and contribute to your holistic well-being.

#2 Pineapple Juice for Increased Energy

Pineapple juice is also a great source of manganese. This component plays a vital role in your body’s energy production capability. In this way, it may lead to an increase in energy levels.


If you feel lethargic or extremely tired even while doing small chores, you may consider drinking juice for a natural boost.


The presence of antioxidants in pineapple juice combat oxidative stress and promote good health. Vitamin C is the body’s primary water-soluble antioxidant, defending all aqueous areas of the body against free radicals that attack and damage normal cells. These combined benefits make juice a great addition to your everyday diet.[3]

#3 Pineapple Juice for Better Digestion

Indigestion and other stomach-related issues are most commonly seen in people with sedentary lifestyles and who have unhealthy eating habits. It can further lead to excess gas formation, boating, gastritis, etc.


Pineapple juice is known for its high bromelain content. In simple words, it is an enzyme that breaks down protein in your gut and aids digestion.


Pineapple is known to be very effective in curing constipation and irregular bowel movements. This is because it is rich in fibre, which makes bowel movements regular and easy. [13] 


Furthermore, its digestive properties may take care of your upset stomach and gastrointestinal issues. Its moderate consumption may lead to better gut health and provide relief from digestive discomfort.[4] 


If you are curious about your digestive health, you can easily test it by taking the Digestive Quotient Test by Aashirvaad.

#4 Reduced Pain and Arthritis

Arthritis is a common disease in older people. It includes joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness.


Regular consumption of an adequate amount of pineapple juice is believed to help people diagnosed with arthritis.


It has anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce the symptoms and relieve pain to an extent. As a result, juice is also popular among sports enthusiasts and is majorly consumed post-surgery or injuries to aid in recovery. [5]


Pineapples are very rich in manganese; this mineral is required for the growth & maintenance of healthy bones and tissues. [12]

#5 Pineapple Juice for Good Heart Health

Pineapple juice is also good for your heart. It is widely believed that juice may reduce blood clots in the bloodstream and help reduce cholesterol in the body.[6]


It’s bromelain enzyme which may reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. In this way, juice may lower the risk of heart-related disease.


Furthermore, the high potassium content of juice is also suitable for lowering high blood pressure levels. However, it is preferable to consume fresh fruit juice with a little pulp and with no added sugar.

#6 Pineapple Juice for Better Skin

Pollution and excess exposure to direct sunlight often make our skin look dull. Not following a proper skincare routine can further dehydrate the skin, making it appear dry and mature.


Pineapple juice is considered a great option to treat and enhance skin texture. It is rich in acids such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which are commonly found in skin treatment creams.


Together, these compounds help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, and dryness to make your skin appear healthier and youthful.[7]


You can make different pineapple face masks for uneven tone, dehydrated skin, and other issues. For dehydrated skin, just mix pineapple puree to one spoon of the oil of your choice (coconut, almond, and olive) and make a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and wash it off after 15 minutes. Apply this twice in a week for good results!

#7 For Healthy Gums

Pineapple juice also offers numerous benefits for maintaining healthy gums. It is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which increases the body’s ability to fight bacteria that lead to poor gum health.


Thus, juice supports the longevity of gums. Moreover, it also may reduce the risk of gingivitis, a disease that causes swelling and bleeding around the base of your teeth. [8]

#8 Pineapple Juice to Relieve Cold and Cough

The transition period from winter to summer during the spring season often brings common cold and cough. During this time, most people suffer from a sore throat, mucus, and difficulty in breathing due to blocked nasal passages.


The Vitamin C content in juice may relieve from these common symptoms of cold and cough. It supports the immune system, potentially reducing the severity of a cold as well as its duration.


 It is a source of potassium, loaded with manganese, and has anti-inflammatory properties that help in fighting infections. Bromelain, found in pineapple, is also known to loosen mucus, suppress cough, and provide relief from discomfort. [9]


Common Side Effects of Pineapple Juice


Besides the wide range of benefits, consuming excess amounts of pineapple juice may result in certain side effects. Some people feel tenderness around their mouth, lips, and tongue after consuming juice. Here are other such common side effects:

  • Allergies: Pineapple juice can cause certain allergic reactions, such as rash, hives, and breathing difficulties, in extreme cases.
  • Stomach problems: Pineapple is also associated with numerous stomach issues, such as nausea and diarrhea. Its acidity can also cause heartburn or gas reflux.
  • Tooth decay: The sugar and acid content in juice can lead to tooth enamel damage, such as cavities.
  • Kidney issues: People previously diagnosed with kidney diseases should seek a medical consultant before making juice and its potassium content a part of their daily routine.
  • Abnormal bleeding during periods: Although bromelain is generally considered safe for human consumption, it might cause abnormal bleeding during mensuration. 



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